Because testing for influenza and other respiratory viruses is done at the discretion of the clinician and testing practices may vary widely among facilities and over time, some people hospitalized with influenza may not be recognized and diagnosed. To better estimate the full burden of influenza, CDC collects additional information from FluSurv-NET hospitals on the proportion of patients with acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) who are tested for influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV [Appendix 2]. This use case will focus on obtaining data on respiratory viral testing practices for CDC’s influenza disease burden project and transmitting it directly to CDC throughout the season. This project collects anonymized patient-level data on persons hospitalized with ARI (based on ICD-10 diagnosis codes) along with information about whether or not the patient was tested for influenza, SARS-CoV-2, or RSV and if so, the test result and test type used for all tests performed (patients may be tested multiple times). Additional data elements include state, age, race/ethnicity, week of admission, ICD-10 discharge diagnoses, and if possible, whether the patient had been admitted to the ICU or died during the hospital stay.