Fed Retrospective of Connectathon 33 / Guidance for Connectathon 34

Fed Retrospective of Connectathon 33 / Guidance for Connectathon 34

  1. Start planning now the scenarios for the Sep 2023 connectathon ==> Everybody

    1. Ex: Real EHR

    2. Ex: Data in CIPSEA EDAV

    3. Ex: Test using machines (e.g., TestScript) in addition to people

    4. Testing KAR updates

  2. Testing ==> Carradora and Microsoft

    1. AEGIS

    2. HDEA

  3. Recruitment ==> Westat and Carradora

    1. Real EHRs to participate

  4. Data ==> NCHS and Microsoft team (Jim St. Clair), Westat

    1. Synthetic data that is REVIEWED by NCHS in advance

    2. Create "happy path" and "error paths" in advance

      1. Include sample error messages in Implementation Guide

    3. Benefit: Once generated, can use same test data for pilots

  5. IGs ==> Feds

    1. Long-term risk: Updating the MedMorph RA for v2 (e.g. using RS or R6)

      1. Mark: US may skip RS and go to R6. Target MedMor p against US Core. Next release of US Core (current: v6) will still be on R4. I

    2. Updating NCHS Content IG

  6. Procedural ==> DEX

    1. Update report-out

    2. Schedule September retros in advance



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