MedMorph 9/29/2023 Mini-Connectathon

MedMorph 9/29/2023 Mini-Connectathon


Welcome, Goals (5 minutes, Prachi)

MedMorph Health Care Surveys Solution Architecture (5 minutes, Prachi)

Use Cases/Bundles and MELD System (5 minutes, Mike)

Hospital use case patient: Brigg Dishman

Ambulatory use case patient: Fleming Strathman

HDEA Processing (15 minutes, Dragon) (Hospital UC first, Ambulatory UC second - time permitting)

Provisioning Workflow

HDEA Initiation

HDEA Workflow Progression (Notification, Report Creation, Report Submission)

HDEA-Generated Bundle Review

DEX Bundle Reception/Processing (MS Team, 10 minutes)

Automated Bundle Validation

Bundle Upload to EDAV NCHS Partition

Testing notes:

Multiple bundles (3) are being sent due to retries

Smoking status data is invalid - update

References can cause an infinite loop

FHIR data from real-world systems have profile and extension issues (previously documented)

Provide patient data as individual resources for loading into MELD/elsewhere (see Dishman/Strathman resources above), resources as returned from MELD/elsewhere to HDEA, bundles as sent to DEX (see Dishman/Strathman bundles above)

Discussion (All, 10 minutes)

Next Steps (All, 10 minutes)

Bundle Export to Analytics Platform

Export from Analytics Platform for QA

Data Validation & Bundle Analysis (e-Health Signs)

HCS Sprint Schedule (Coordination between DEX, Carradora, HCS)

Weekly Tech Team Meetings

Attendees: DEX, Drajer, Carradora, MS, NewWave, DHCS, Cindy Bush (Optional)

Timing - determine in email (Mike to send)

Testing for Upcoming Sprint Cycles (All)

1 Rerun HDEA on Cerner, Epic sandboxes (using existing data)

2 Rerun HDEA on Cerner, Epic using clinically valid data

3 Add additional bundles (add more patients, more invalid bundle testing to cover known/expected issues) (Synthea or other tools?)

4 Review of data content against reporting requirements

5 Explore/address issues uncovered by pilot project

6 Engage with EHR vendors re sandbox updates, etc.

Supporting Infrastructure for Sprint Cycles

















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