Connectathon March/May 2023 FluSurv-Net on FHIR Scenario
Workflow Testing
Alternative: send an existing eICR bundle since that standard is a candidate for Use Cases 1 & 3
CDC endpoint could play the role of a FluSurv-NET site (Trusted Third Party)
Report Generation Workflow
Report Generation Workflow Actors
Hospitals or HIEs: candidates?
EHR systems: Epic, Cerner, other sandbox if no hospital/HIE involved?
Data must be entered for the scenario (if records used in prior Connectathons is no longer available)
Drajer/Carradora - can support installation/setup of HDEA
If using a vendor sandbox we will need access to install/setup/run
Trust Services
Not required if using synthetic data
Can generate a bundle with PHI redacted
Report Submission Workflow
Report Submission Actors
Hospital/HIE - need data entry or API invocation
Drajer/Carradora - need access for triggering HDEA if using sandbox
Trusted Third Party
CDC playing role of FluSurv-NET site
Setup endpoint, provide URL, etc.
Receive and validate FHIR bundle ($process-message)
PHA/Research Organization
No submission to PHA/RO during this Connectathon