20230711 - MedMorph Track C34 Weekly Meeting
Protocol for communication outside of meetings
CC chairs on emails
MS/NewWave emails need to have Ryan/Leslyn/Maria CCed
Carradora/Drajer emails need to have Nicole/Carrie/Maria CCed
Fed Retrospective of Connectathon 33 / Guidance for Connectathon 34
Connectathon 34 Top Level Goals
DEX - infrastructure testing
HCS - IG update testing
RESP-NET on FHIR - IG testing@
Topics for this week
Track proposal page is up at HL7
Informed PH WG of track proposal on last week’s PH call
EHR recruitment
Vendors with sandboxes we’ve used/could use: Epic, Cerner
HDEA update necessary?
Get new data in
Meld EHR system: synthetic data for IOI (used in C33)
IG, HDEA updates may be necessary
Identify ambulatory EHR vendor?
eClinicalworks, NextGen, Allscripts, AthenaHealth, InterSytems (Russ L.), Orion Rhapsody (successor), others?
Cloud version would be great for testing
Identify data, security, HDEA install, subscriptions
CHI to come up with initial EHR vendor outreach doc/info
Data creation/entry in sandbox systems
Planning on creating both HCS and RNOF bundles
HCS bundles will be a mix of valid/invalid bundles
Invalid bundles will be targeted to specific error conditions (e.g., cardinality, must support)
Where are the HCS bundles from May?
DEX updates
RNOF updates
HCS updates