20230919 - MedMorph Track C34 Weekly Meeting
Protocol for communication outside of meetings
CC chairs on emails
MS/NewWave emails need to have Ryan/Leslyn/Maria CCed
Carradora/Drajer emails need to have Nicole/Carrie/Maria CCed
Fed Retrospective of Connectathon 33 / Guidance for Connectathon 34
Connectathon 34 Top Level Goals
DEX - infrastructure testing
HCS - IG update testing
RESP-NET on FHIR - IG testing
Topics for this week
C34 recap
Fed Retrospective of Connectathon 34 / Guidance for Future Connectathons (populate/update)
DEX/HCS/RESP-NET testing going forward
Integrate HDEA updates made during C34
Fed suggestions
Code base move to CDC?
Aim for integration of changes / successful testing by 9/29?
2 meetings/week
One track: code base (validation sync) (next meeting Thursday 4pm)
One track: data (entry into MELD {Cerner/Epic unlikely} ) (timing tbd)
Run against MELD, Epic, Cerner
Dev team review discrepancies (Prachi to send spreadsheet)
Continue with testing of HCS bundles
PlanDefinition issues discovered
Prachi slides
Work with HCS team when bundles are loaded into analytics platform
Bundles for C34 (and forward)
Continue working on clinically valid bundles (Core1, Core2, Core3)
Ask Cerner/Steve Hill to enter data as new, separate patients
DEX updates
RNOF updates
HCS updates